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National Hands Network (NHN) believes that meaningfully employed, engaged and entrepreneurial people are not borne. THEY ARE MADE.

Traditional education provides little for marginalised people that fall between the cracks.

NHN provides an extra curricular solutions based learning programme offered to people in marginalised rural & regional areas. NHN delivers its tailored manufacturing programmes via their NHN TRADE YOURSELF programme. A practical skills problem solving model, assessing local issues and returning local solutions, learning and outcomes in an non intrusive collaboration with local community.

In Australia the National Hands Network harnesses natural resources, talented Australians young and old to work together to create paid work opportunities that are building up their local communities and creating jobs.

The NHN organisation drives 3000 kms each week delivering technology, educational resources and business networks that otherwise only exist in capital cities. Delivering global business tools to marginalised communities is a big part of the answer to their sustainability and also part of the solution to a bigger National economic problem, Australian Made

NHN programmes targets existing, but most importantly the next generation, addressing the toxic exodus of the brightest and best to big cities.


Young Manufacturers Groups



    National Hands Network YMG Programmes are designed as a stepping stone for unemployed youth 15 - 30 years. National Hands Network offers its practical learning TRADE YOURSELF Platform to the YMG; encouraging a plethora of commercial pathways for its participants to pursue. The YMG programme mandates clear business objectives, with real deliverables and deadlines to ensure YMG youth secure paid work opportunity, that youth with bright ideas are mentored to a framed entrepreneurial project worthy of nurture, incubation, launch and commercialisation.

    National Hands Network said to a group of long term unemployed youth in a marginalised region in Australia...‘ If there are no jobs out there, then lets think up and create them'. 

    These disengaged youth told the National Hands Network that they come from an environment of multi generation welfare reliance, substance abuse, rife risky behaviour and crime, homelessness, stunted school achievements, zero employment pathways and fear for their lives and those of their peers. Their backdrop is hopelessness: high level fear and anxiety feeding physical and mental ill health. NHN sadly spoke to group after group from what we now term Generation W....washed up human beings 15 to 30 years living in a Wasteland. 

    Generation W is a global phenomenon. Generation W is unacceptable to the National Hands Network. 


    In the last quarter 2014 NHN established its YMG programme specifically targeting the unemployment and underemployment of Generation W in Bendigo, Victoria. Now NHN and some of these marginalised unemployed youth are winning their first battle in the war against lack of engagement by taking part in YMG:WOODGANG; an NHN Young Manufacturers Group (YMG) initiative designed to reignite paid work opportunity, micro industry at a local level and to promote wholly Australian Made manufacturing in the category of home and lifestyle products. 

    NHN enters marginalised locations looking to embrace Generation W; scouting for talent, for the commercial leaders of tomorrow and for local economic development opportunities in order for Generation W jobs creation. NHN places a high priority on its YMG programmes. This age demographic is crucial for the direction and the survival of the planet. The TRADE YOURSELF platform focuses on bringing out the best in these Generation W, and NHN acknowledge that we too, need to sow our own seeds of encouragement; we will not give up here.

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